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Frequently Asked Questions

This is the AhISee website FAQ - frequently (and some infrequently) asked questions with answers. If you have a question please contact the appropriate email address via the contacts page. If you want to know about Navigating the site, try the Help page. If you want to know what the site is for, or how it was put together, go to the About page.

  1. Why doesn't the [website, link, picture, national economy...] work?
  2. Why are there only a few graphics [frames, tables, scripts...!] on this web site?
  3. Who designed the website?
  4. When will the website be updated?
  5. Why is your spelling and punctuation of the website name so wrong? You are setting a terrible example to the young!
  6. What is the purpose and meaning of life??

Why doesn't the [website, link, picture, national economy...] work?

Doesn't it? Sorry - we didn't know. We've tested these pages on PC's with Microsoft IE5.0 and 4.01, Opera 3.6, Opera 4.02, Opera 5.00, Star Office 5.1, Lynx 2.8.3, Netscape Navigator 4.6 and 4.7 and even Mosaic 3.0. We have had the site checked on various Apple Macs. We haven't tested it on any other systems. If there are any problems, please tell us. Not about the national economy, though: we already know about that.


Why are there only a few navigational graphics [frames, tables...!] on this web site?

There are several answers to that question. Here are some of them:

So why are there any graphics?

Well, they have their uses. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. A glance at a picture can sometimes convey a great deal in a short time. It's a good thing, really, because on the Internet a picture usually is also at least as big as a thousand words! So overall we have used graphics extensively only where they serve a clear purpose, or make it prettier. Usually you have the option to open them in a separate window, so you can take them or leave them.


Who designed the website?



When will the website be updated?

When we have something new available to put up, which will be as often as is feasible. We're aiming to have a new piece at least every other week.


Why is your spelling and punctuation of the website name so wrong? You are setting a terrible example to the young!

Ah, yes, sorry about that. We carefully put a 'translate' link on all the pages which goes to AltaVista Babelfish. We weren't expecting complete accuracy, of course! But we forgot to check how "Ah! I See!" came out in translation. It translates as either "Amperehour! That I see!" or, with a more piquant flavor, "Ampere hour meter! I see you!". Whilst being quite interesting, and serving as harmless amusement for any readers, it had to go. Babelfish will avoid translating words with a dot in front like this - ".Ah! .I .See!" - but this looks odd. One way to deal with this is to make the dot the same color as the background, but some search engines regard this as spamdexing, so the alternate possibility, contracting Ah! I See! to AhISee! - which isn't translated - has generally been adopted. The same-color dot is used in places, and if you are using a text browser then the punctuation will appear odd.


What is the purpose and meaning of life??

Well, oddly enough, we're working on an answer to those questions. Keep checking back. We'll keep you posted.




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